Ministers Conference 2010 – Pawel P. Testimony

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Ministry Conference 2010 was a great time of experiencing power of God. As a minister and RSW student I was brought to a new dimension with my walk with God.

God showed me through His Holy Spirit how important is to stay focus on Jesus and how powerful His love is. I was so hungry of God and I was crying for more of Him and one meeting He touched me so much. I was lost in the present of God crying name of Jesus overwhelmed with Him. I can tell you now: There is nothing more real than person of Jesus. He is the reality of everything that exists. With out Him everything is meaningless and without life. There is nothing in life or ministry I can do without Him. I want more and more of Jesus. I want to know Him. I want to be like He is. I want to do what He does. I want to be His hands, mouth and His servant among nations.

During conference I heard not only great teaching but also many testimonies. That helped me a lot to understand how I can apply many principals of God. Now I know more how to move without limits and boundaries in faith and anointing. I learned many things that I will use in ministry. It will definitely help me fulfill God’s calling in my life.

Being involved in ministry of helps I could see the anointing that unity brings. God remind me how important is to support each other. He taught me how to overcome difficult situations and how to be flexible. He taught me it is all about Him.

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